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Home that anticipates your needs

Imagine a home that anticipates your needs, simplifies your daily routines, and enhances every moment. At AutoNest, we turn this vision into reality with smart home automations that seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle. Explore the possibilities—from personalized lighting scenes and automated climate control to voice-activated entertainment and advanced security systems. Using some of the reference Automations on the page below, discover how our tailored solutions can transform your living space into a truly intelligent home.

If you have another Automation in mind, please get in touch and we’ll see how we can help put it to life!



  1. I want a universal remote, with a touch screen, to directly select my media I want to play – it should turn my projector/TV/Amplifier/AVR devices on, open the app/playing mode, set the appropriate AVR/Amplifier settings and default volume settings, with a single button press.
  2. I’m moving from one room of the home into another space, and I want to transfer media or video playing in that room, into the room I’m about to go into – i.e. transfer over from the study into the living room.
  3. I want to play from an audio source, and select which zones in the home I want that source to play on, with a few button presses on a touchscreen


  1. I want my lights to turn on to 20% brightness at night time when I get up to go to the bathroom or get something from the kitchen
  2. I want my lights to time out and turn off automatically at night when everyone has gone to sleepI want a custom “Dining” lighting scene, triggered by a button on my keypad or touchscreen, to dim my dining lights to 40%, and turn all other lights in the home off
  3. I want a custom “Goodnight” lighting scene, when triggered by a button on my keypad or my touchscreen, will dim my lights to 0% brightness (turn them off) over the next 2 minutes
  4. Late at night time, I want my lights to dim on to my motion and follow me around the home instead of coming on full strength, and turn off when there is no motion detected for some period of time.
  5. I want my theatre lights to turn on to 20% brightness as I enter the theatre, and sparkly star ceiling to come onto 100% brightness in twinkle mode
  6. I want my theatre lights to slowly dim to off when I play a movie, and star ceiling should dim down to 10% brightness
  7. I want my theatre lights to dim back up to 20% brightness and sparkly star ceiling to come onto 100% brightness in twinkle mode, when I press pause on the movie

Comfort & Convenience

  1. I want to be able to control my rooms devices from a touch panel
  2. I want to be able to set a wake-up alarm in my bedroom and when triggered I want it to opens the blinds, play the radio or a pre-defined playlist on spotify
  3. I’m about to go into an important meeting in the Study, and I want to let everyone in the home know that I’ll be in an urgent meeting for the next hour and not to disturb me (a do not disturb custom scene) – this can be done with a custom button, and a series of announcements around the home in each zone.
  4. I want to have access to a custom “Goodnight” programmed button that turns all the devices in my house off to get ready to sleep at the end of the day

Safety and Security

  1. I want to view my video security feeds on my in-wall touch screens around the home
  2. I want to assign an entry code to each member of the family, and create a personalized welcome scene and exit scene for each member. Each personalized scene can announce “Welcome Home Dad/Mum/Kids etc…” when they enter the home, and when they all exit the home it can lock up all zones, close blinds, turn lights off and any other non-essential devices, and send a custom notification to the home owner.
  3. Set up the home with a “Home Away / vacation” scene that simulates the home to make it seem like someone is home, i.e. open/close blinds at certain times, simulate some sound and announcements at other times of the day, lights turning on and off, everything turning off to save power at other times, whilst ensuring all essential tasks like running the pool filter keeps on working as required.